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Chumba cha habari-42

Chumba cha Habari

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Chumba cha Habari

Unajua nini kuhusu sensorer za electrochemical
Unajua nini kuhusu sensorer za electrochemical
Huenda 10, 2024

The electrochemical sensor is a type of sensor that relies on the electrochemical properties of the analyte to transduce the chemical quantity into an electrical quantity for sensing and detection.The earliest electrochemical sensors date back to the...

Soma zaidi
  • NDIR au kichocheo?Jinsi ya kupata Kihisi cha Gesi Inayowaka?
    NDIR au kichocheo?Jinsi ya kupata Kihisi cha Gesi Inayowaka?
    Aprili 23, 2024

    Kuna faida nyingi sana za vitambuzi vya gesi inayoweza kuwaka ya infrared katika matumizi katika tasnia ya mafuta na gesi hivi kwamba inaonekana kana kwamba vitambuzi vya infrared ndio chaguo bora, na kuna imani potofu kwamba vihisi vya mwako vichochezi vinaweza kuwashwa...

    Soma zaidi
  • Ili kuchagua detector sahihi ya gesi
    Ili kuchagua detector sahihi ya gesi
    Februari 27, 2024

    What do we need to consider to find a suitable gas detector? you can refer to the following aspects.1. Detection principle of sensor: Traditional electrochemical sensors and semiconductor sensors can measure many kinds of gases, and the sensor techno...

    Soma zaidi
  • Nini?Sensorer zinaweza kuwa na sumu?
    Nini?Sensorer zinaweza kuwa na sumu?
    Februari 14, 2024

    Do you know that sensors will be poisoned?  they need protection too.During the daily use of catalytic combustion sensors, it is inevitable that they will come into contact with chemicals and vapors from household cleaners, lubricants, and other...

    Soma zaidi
  • Je! Unajua nini juu ya kugundua gesi?
    Je! Unajua nini juu ya kugundua gesi?
    Jan 01, 2024

    Ⅰ. Purpose of using gas detectors.People use detectors to protect the health and life safety of personnel, and to safeguard property and fixed assets from damage. Also it's for comply with regional and national laws and regulations.Ⅱ. The dangers of ...

    Soma zaidi